a place for everyone passionate about parks, gardens and green space

Green Space and Culture
Parks, gardens and green spaces have been the source of inspiration to every art form in all eras and movements (starting with the Garden of Eden!). Their importance to the human psyche is evidenced by the wealth of references in painting, drama, poetry, song, dance and music.
There is also a long tradition of gardening and landscape architecture being art forms in their own right. Francis Bacon, the Elizabethan philosopher, statesman, pioneer scientist, essayist and author stated “…men come to build stately sooner than to garden finely – as if gardening were the greater perfection”
Green spaces can also provide an inspirational setting in which to perform public readings, plays, drama, dance and music; to paint, write, teach and learn.
They also provide the setting and backdrop for sculpture, fountains, gateways, seats, urns and fine architectural features.
Parks and green spaces are the focal point for a wide range of cultural activities where members of a community are able to come together and interact in a positive and enjoyable way. Many of our first and fondest memories are of events in parks, no matter which generation.
Local outdoor organised events include pageants and shows, funfairs and circuses, fun-days and gala days, sports, games, cross country runs, civic and local bonfires, performing arts and summer play schemes.
In addition picnics, family outings, dog-walking, sledging, paddling, boating, swings and slides, collecting conkers, jumpers for goal posts and a great range of informal outdoor activities have enriched family, community and neighbourhood life over the generations.
Read more on:
Poetry and Prose, Biophillia and Healthy Lifestyles, History and Heritage, Art and Scultpture, Living Culture, Natural Heritage